Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cultural exchange and dialogue across the West

 Chinese and Western cultural exchange and dialogue across
mm Interview with Professor Zhang Longxi

Liang Jiandong Zhang Long River, Western Languages, Peking University MA, Ph.D. in comparative literature from Harvard University, was employed at the University of California, Riverside campus, any comparative literature Professor, is President of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics visiting professor at the scope of the study, including English literature, classical Chinese literature, Chinese and Western comparative literature and cultural studies In 2009 the Swedish culture, history and the Institute of Archaeology honorary foreign academicians, as two hundred fifty third win of the Chinese people over the years. mainly Chinese works include: Ten of Cultural Studies, .
Liang Jiandong (hereinafter referred to as equal dialogue between, this cause has now gained such a high rating, this is a great achievement of your personal, academic circles for the whole of China is also encouraging a happy event, you can talk about your specific selected circumstances you?
Zhang Long River (hereinafter referred to as I knew nothing about February 3 In 2009, I received my friend Professor Luo Debi (Torbjon Loden) gave me an email, he is Professor of Chinese Studies at Stockholm University in Sweden, is a Fellow of the Royal College. His e-mail said: letter and a certificate, this can be considered a formal notification.
the foreign academicians in the world is now about forty people. In the nomination, the College will be the candidate materials such as books, resume distribution to review all the academicians, it may take a long time. academicians after the movie, but also discussed, and finally vote again. was nominated more than one person, but the nomination to the selection are confidential, the reason for this may taking into account the nominated person are generally more successful people, if not eventually be nominated to be chosen, may be a bit embarrassed, so throughout the entire selection process is strictly confidential and not disclosed to the outside world. Only the final selected personnel will be notified, not even their own elected people do not know there was not nominated, the outside world does not know who won the nomination. In other words, I had won the nomination do not know, just know results.
Beam: Royal Swedish culture, history and the Institute of Archaeology What is the nature of the specific college?
Zhang: Although the name of the college called the . the nature of the club groups, associations and slowly developed. Institute of Britain and France appear early, probably in the seventeenth century appeared. Britain's established, when the Swedes began in the eighteenth century, according to Britain and France established a pattern of such colleges.
Beam: Mainland scholars or writers have not yet won the Nobel Prize, ordinary Chinese people seem a little disappointed , announced a year when the Nobel Prize in the country will have some related discussions. I want you to become in 2009 the Royal Swedish culture, history and archeology of the Academy, in fact, to some extent, people realized this desire. As A Chinese scholar, to get such a high evaluation and recognition, is really a very remarkable achievement.
Zhang: Actually, the number of Chinese who have the Nobel Prize has been a lot, but they do not get this in China awards only. Of course, for me, my academic research to the international academic recognition, of course, is a pleasant thing. This is a life-long honor, which for me is more of a great spur and encouragement.
Beam: You always believed that the long-term study of different cultures can communicate and exchange, I think in addition to strong belief in the truth of common humanity and beyond these doctrinal reasons, your This position and the practice is not also about your personal experience?
Photo: Over the years, my work is concentrated in Western comparative literature and cultural studies, I do believe that can communicate between Chinese and Western, contacts because they share common, common basis. Why do I do? I think at least two reasons: First, you said that I my personal academic interests and my contacts with Mr Qian related to Mr. Qian Eastern and Western cultures are very familiar. people in my generation, I and Mr. Qian is a relatively more exchanges, the reason of this, some by chance on the inside, but very important point is that my personal life experience has helped me.
graduate school before I went to college there is no formal, when the young had to rely entirely on self-learning. because of this, I would to get rid of some of the institutional, disciplinary limitations, with their wide range of reading interests, from professional constraints. I'm from small to very fascinated by the traditional culture, read a lot of books on history and literature, but also to recite a lot of classical poetry, and I still prefer the traditional art of painting; the same time I am also very interested in Western culture, on the Greek myth, tragedy, and species of wider interest and Mr. Qian is a bit similar, Qian first saw me, that I know a little Chinese tradition, the West also know that to feel that I have a lot of the young man similar to his place. Of course, I can not be compared with him, but also probably for this reason, Mr. Qian particularly good to me, my research was in fact greatly affected by his. Mr. Qian said: Yau same; South School North science, Taoism does not crack. Chinese and Western literature, cultural study and an important reason.
Beam: You overseas in Western comparative literature, cultural studies of the initial motive?
Zhang: My first research and I criticized the Western Sinology. I go abroad earlier in 1983, went out, before going abroad, I do not understand the Western Han, almost never seen any scholar's work, I'd read some criticism of Mr. Qian scholar articles and book reviews, nothing more. but I got to America, not just Han, not just the U.S. but the entire Western academic circles there is a tendency, that is, six from the last century, since the seventies, Western scholars are very emphasize different between cultures, particularly the differences between Eastern and Western cultures. West has a very close relationship within the exchange is very frequent, Germany, France and the United Kingdom is very difficult to completely separate, and to say they are completely, absolutely not the same culture does not work. So, there are many Western scholars began to view China and the West against each other, because the pre-modern China and the West is basically no contact and communication. As a result, China became a number of Western typical of scholars of cultural differences, an absolute would often speak as if all of China is just the opposite with them, many Westerners do not identify Chinese grammar, Chinese, no abstract thinking ability, the feeling of the Chinese people and not only the aesthetic logic, etc., and so the argument is more. In my view, these allegations are ridiculous. So, for Westerners too much emphasis on the cultural differences between Chinese and Western, I think from the perspective of Chinese scholars should pay more attention to cross-cultural exchanges between.
Beam: Western scholars emphasize the differences between cultures or civilizations, in my opinion should be nationalism, the pursuit of cultural differences inherent in a very long time is the core of European nationalism, how do you understand nationalism the evolution of the trend in Europe?
Photo: Nationalism is indeed a big problem, it is the process of building modern nation-state played a very important role. Middle Ages in Europe there is no nation-state, was not political and religious separately, the Pope has a very great power. to the religious reforms, especially to the modern times, the nation-state began to appear. we can see that, after being elected in the nation-state, religion is no longer controlled by the Roman Catholic Church, especially in the Protestant countries, even more so. Luther was first the the formation of a nation-state language, in addition, many nation-states have to want to use their native language to write an epic or tragedy can be tenable to, and so there are many ethnic cultural practices. You can that nationalism in this process is very important.
religious reform from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and then, nationalism is indeed promote the formation of modern nation-state in Europe. However, the conflict between nation-states soon began to appear, is the direct result of the outbreak of two world wars, they are first produced in Europe. This gave the two world wars brought grave disaster in Europe, especially the Second World War, The brutality far beyond all previous wars. World War II, the German people are always shouting: that the national interests above all else, and also narrow the is a fictitious concept. They think they are the highest and most pure race, so they can conquer, rule other peoples, and even murder of Jews. they are so ideologically established the theory of a very frightening. So In World War II, Europe had the profound reflection of nationalism, it is generally believed that because in the past too much emphasis on the nation's cultural superiority, and national interests first, was a result of the outbreak of the war.
Beam: Asia half of the twentieth century, when nationalism has deeply affected the development of some countries to grow in power and militarism, such as Japan; thus get rid of some countries of Western imperialism and colonialism, such as China and India countries. relative to Europe, Asia, the situation looks more complicated?
Zhang: In Asia, the development of nationalism in Europe does have some different tracks, but the situation is also very dangerous. Take Japan, Japan After the Meiji Restoration, the first to become a modern nation. The Japanese started to become extremely self-confidence, more and look down on their Asian neighbors, especially China. Japan's problem is that it turned out to be affected by Chinese culture, ancient Japan or even use of Chinese characters, however, after a strong start in Japan, national strength, the Japanese think we should get rid of their past, so they strongly want to put the impact of China in the past completely erase it. China seems to have become one of its heavy burden, written many books to discuss how to improve Japan's national origin, and even made some intermarriage with Europeans, and white offspring to change the physical characteristics of the Japanese nation. But then, these efforts do not succeed, of course, whites do not want to Japanese marriages and wishful thinking, This is a Japanese fantasy. to the later, the Japanese realize that Japan is unable to enter Europe, and militarism in Japan also began to rise, and this is Japan's military forces enhancement is closely related. Japan, species, but now the leadership is not China but Japan. Therefore, when the Japanese think is not to enter Europe, but is opposed to the formation of an ideology of white European colonialism. the Japanese began to stress that we yellow with white people is not the same, and East and West is not the same, Japan is the leader of the East, to lead the East to resist white racism. It was under this pretext, the Japanese use of Co-Prosperity Sphere the U.S. massive retaliation, the last U.S. atomic bombing of Japan also used. World War II, Japanese militarists and right-wing and even today do not consider themselves defeated, and in particular in China does not recognize that they are defeated, they think he was defeated by the United States. They say the end of World War II is a how much harm.
Liang: Chinese nationalism and the country's peril has always been closely related to what do you think the development of modern Chinese nationalism?
Zhang: in a very long time, we Chinese people are actually narrow nationalism the biggest victims. as in Japan, nationalism in modern Chinese history has achieved great development. Late Qing Dynasty, when there have been a very strong tide of nationalism, namely, the Manchu as alien, as the Manchu invaders Central Plains people. Zhang Binglin is a very radical nationalist, although he is a revolutionary thinker, he had proposed to conduct this has a lot of criticism. In fact, Han Man is the highest level of ethnic minorities, Qianlong in Chinese history may be even more than the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Han. So from China is so big in terms of a range, from the perspective of cultural diversity terms of Manchu ethnic Han thought is very naive and very dangerous. Do all cutting should discard the whole of northeast China is China? We certainly can not accept this view.
of Chinese nationalism So get great development in recent times, on the one hand because of the Opium War, China does not bear poor and weak, suffered bullying the West, people have a heart hostile to Western ideas. Xun once said this to say: I side with the gown; their weight and health, yet I eat flies; them strong and healthy, I'm sick hh partial preservation of Chinese traditional culture this is, this is patriotic, this is not servile. We own no good at all, so that nationalism is a bit ridiculous at the time the place.
, of course, was the establishment of new China's development and nationalism have great relevance, not to say here, but we still to be alert to narrow nationalism may rise again. this nationalism and the past is somewhat different, because the era of new changes in environment, China's economy over the past three decades was a great improvement, followed by national start strong. When the West is in serious financial crisis, particularly the United States faces great challenges, we seem finally to stand up. in the global economic crisis, the situation in China seems to be better, the impact is also smaller, In fact, this is because we have not yet fully entered the sake of globalization. Now the whole world is watching China, and China has become the most wealthy countries, it seems to go save the world, and this time many people will feel that our nation can finally stand up straight talk, and was finally able to stand tall, and this sentiment entirely understandable, but it is not desirable.
beam: the need for domestic as opposed to academic narrow nationalism may bring negative impact.
Zhang: I have always been opposed narrow nationalism, I have been doing is to promote understanding between different cultures, communication and dialogue, every nation, every culture has its good side, also has its limitations, it should not be a culture as unique, and conceit, people often say such things of the world do not understand. A lot of narrow nationalist probably only know a little something, not the West understanding. Mr Qian would not have such thoughts, because he is very understanding of East and West. learning the smaller the person, tone the greater the learning and tone is inversely proportional to ignorance to fear. what what! you down. National Heart is not what repeatedly to emphasize their strong than other nations.
Leung: the culture clash of civilizations has become more intense, it makes every culture some of the radical fundamentalists increasingly emphasized the superiority of their own culture, more emphasize their differences with him are, these are very dangerous The. Islamic fundamentalists is the case, U.S. President George W. Bush is actually the case, he often claimed that American culture is unique, the United States is the side of justice, and with the United States or countries hostile to the culture is evil, absolutely not to the brutal compromises or rogue countries such as these views, so the conflict between cultures and civilizations can only rely on war to solve. It is true that there are differences between civilizations, but between civilization and should have a desire for mutual understanding Only dialogue can promote mutual understanding, and only this way can we rid the world of a wide variety of potential risk of conflict. Therefore, in addition to doctrinal reasons, but in fact is the need to promote inter-cultural dialogue of this work.
beam: Some scholars have expressed the view that what does not exist and only the clash of civilizations between the competing interests empire.
Photo: U.S. Middle East policy and military operations in the Middle East are concerned with the interests of the United States, and oil related, and even the international geo-politics. American power in the world can exert little influence, which in terms of national policy for the United States is very important. the world all kinds of conflicts especially the conflict with the U.S. is clearly not just a question of civilization, civilization is sometimes just an excuse. However, we can not be denied that cultural differences and conflicts between civilizations exist. culture and interests of these two aspects reasons exist as a politician, military strategist, they first must be taken into account the interests of power problems, but at the same time, cultural differences is one of the causes of conflict. I certainly can not fully agree with the views of those scholars, I think the important is that we should also see two reasons. As scholars engaged in cross-cultural research in the treatment of different cultures, civilizations, we should emphasize that they can communicate between each other and the intelligibility of, if only blindly emphasis on conflict of interest behind the association, but will only benefit the fight to find more excuses. Is it really only war can solve the conflicts of our humanity? This view is clearly wrong.
beam: the language of democracy environment, the multiple often means justice, and the far-reaching ideological emphasis on difficulties encountered?
Photo: This question should be understood this way, pluralistic, and unified or the same between these ideas is a kind of dialectical relationship. First, we arranged political issues, I will not speak in the actual political is how. From the perspective of theory and concepts, pluralistic, and unified is a dialectical relationship. The so-called unity, its premise is that there are multiple, or not need There are many different nationalities, different areas there are not the same as the internal situation, specific to the literature and will have a variety of conditions, we believe that blossom is the best. Our traditional literature, including poetry , Novels and so on, we put them all unified in the unification unity the Confucian classics to organize, with the Today is the most serious, and this literature will come from the bad culprit Wang, , but he's wrong is that good people with himself, like to let others with their same force example. Su Shi added: ; You see, not to promote people from the beginning with Confucius himself, Confucius advocated ; Tong , this is ridiculous. Finally, Su Shi made a very vivid metaphor, The growth is not that it is a kind of thing. spicy, Su said that only those barren desert, a distance are Huangmao white reed, wilderness, but this is not booming, it is not the United States, but a disaster, the real beauty is the land of all things grow , thriving, flourishing, and different. Wang will only lead to the absurd requirements of the land Caixing think so.
As emphasized in the unity of thought and ideology, emphasizing the same, it is a very terrible thing entirely. , unified action, but in fact it is simply impossible. Each of us even have a difference of appearance so far, how ideas may be maintained in the absolute unity it? each person's living conditions, education, growth experience not the same, thinking certainly will be different. Therefore, multiple is inevitable, the better the development of a society, the more reasonable, more able to allow different ideas, concepts exist, but also to give individuals more option, this is a truly open society, developed society. If anything should be unified together, what should listen to the supreme leader, then it is a very terrible the totalitarian.
beam: pluralism tend to have into the possibility of relativism.
Zhang: Yes, this fact is also a dialectical relationship. If in any place all emphasis on diversity, it would evolve into a relativism, will not go on like this the possibility of a unified, but in the actual operation is impossible. westerners is to stress that we can not just choose a rather choose other, because they fear it may suppress the yuan. we need not speak too abstract theory, I cite the example of a popular bar, the morning, brush your teeth before you eat breakfast or eat breakfast then brush your teeth? In this process, you have to make a choice, you can not say I do not eat breakfast have do not brush your teeth, never make a decision. If you eat breakfast then brush your teeth, it is to eat breakfast, brush your teeth in addition to the possibility of the first; if eat breakfast, brush teeth, then eat at the same time is also suppressed Breakfast possibilities. You see that such a simple decision problem may exist. Therefore, the so-called suppression, if not with emotion, then there is only one option only. We have a lifetime to make a choice almost every time What kind of choice is reasonable? This is an important issue, rather than saying we can not make any choice, a choice made not because of fear of repression on the other options, this argument is simply empty words. Otherwise, , we do not even exist the possibility of life, because most can not do the simple things. So, we still have to admit that that is a multiple, rather is an aspect of unity.
relating to There are in the suppression of others. at least in the West talk about this issue now, when I was in Taiwan discussed this issue with Mr. Hao Mingyi, he felt very good. He felt this is also useful, he said some time ago, everybody Blue Green as the only standard, completely aside the other, but only a single standard by which to judge you not love Taiwan, in other words, in favor or in favor of the unified *** become the only standard, like Cultural Revolution and high and low, which is produced by modern society, a culture crisis. We are now sitting in a quiet, elegant garden tea Nets, which seems to feel the kind of ancient culture, we think this is wonderful heart will not be yan. However, if someone wants a piece of open space in the garden holding a rock concert, how are we to think? from a diverse point of view, which is good. But we do not feel in his heart but this is good Why? because this is not the same environment, we do not want to see a rock band here, we think that rock is not bad, but because we feel that in such an environment of Suzhou gardens should not be rock music, most suitable for each kind of music has its place, should be suitable for gardens of Suzhou Kun Opera or Pingtan. We recognize that this society should have the possibility of a variety of personal life should have more choices, but they can not therefore lower grade. This is a very complex issue, we can not go into details, but I think this is a very important issue.
Beam: true equality should be respect for cultural differences, and absolute, arbitrary After you understand the modern theory of over-emphasis on attitude of the nineteenth century Western colonialism is no different than. Hegel is this attitude, Qian in the Nightingale. Hegel that China and the West is completely different, he said at the time, like China and the West does not look down on China is that China is backward, and this is a colonial, racist attitude. contemporary Western thinkers often have a very strong spirit of self-criticism, they also talk about the differences between Chinese and Western, but showed a neo-colonial mentality, such as Derrida once said that China had no philosophy. We may sound a bit harsh He is good like that in the absence of Chinese philosophy, this can not criticize us but more like in the commends. But regardless of criticism Ye Hao, praised Ye Hao, although there were a change in attitude, but behind the two views before and after The same logic is wrong. we do not look at the West face, happy to say we have a good time, not happy when he said good, but in fact the heart is still the same thing to us as a forever static De not my thing alien.
Beam: You then to Hong Kong from mainland China to the United States, in these three places are living longer, your personal experience of this rich cultural identity of your personal effects big up?
Zhang: I now live in Hong Kong, I have completely adapted to life here, I like Hong Kong, but any time I said I was from mainland China, but some people do not mainland China in Hong Kong willing to admit that he is out from the mainland. I once met a scholar in Hong Kong, I asked where he came from, I actually knew he was out from the mainland ...

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